Frequent questions

What’s raw honey?

Raw honey is honey as it comes straight from the pedestal, without any treatment or pasteurisation. So he keeps all his nutrients.

Honey placed on the market is usually heat-treated, and in many cases it is mixed with low-quality honeys or dubious origin.

The treatments carried out by us concern biological processes in order not to affect the quality of the product. After all, each batch of honey is sent from us for analysis in the chemistry department of the National Central University in order to ensure that we consume a honey that corresponds to the high quality standards we have set.

Is all honey harvested morally?

In Melishean Arteus we are vertically opposed to all kinds of violence against animals and, of course, against insects. After all, bees are members of our family.

In several farms bees are fed with large quantities of sugar in order to collect almost all honey and increase profitability. This is morally unacceptable to us.

Bees gather and store honey to consume it when they need it.

Our philosophy is to collect the excess of honey and always leave able reserves to consume the same when they need it. We are also of the opinion that for the health and well-being of our colonies no sugar can replace honey.

Why did my honey crystallize?

Crystallisation of honey is a natural process. Honey contains pollen particles of pollen and propolis, which at temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius create tiny crystals.

In most of the commercial honeys, there is a high filter with simultaneous heating of the honey in order to become thinner and thus retain the microparticles. But this reduces the physical properties of honey.

We use thick rot sticks, which holds only the pieces of wax and the impurities that may exist, resulting in honey being completely crude.

In the case of crystallisation of honey, we put the vase into a martini and keep an eye on the temperature in honey not to exceed 40° C.

Where does your honey come from?

Our base is Artemis Attica, where we spend the winter of our hives in our two apiaries.

But we have chosen nomadic beekeeping in order to collect different kinds of aubergines. Fortunately, the Greek territory enables us to be able to exploit the more than 7,000 florists from herbs, flowers and trees. Several of these are plants that exist only in the elliptical space. That is why Greek honey is nutritious and has exquisite aroma and taste.

How do I store and use my honey?

Pure honey must be stored in a cool and dry place, far from solar radiation and always hermetically closed. Honey has the capacity to absorb moisture and odours.

It can only be used by itself, in foods, beverages or beverages. Like you use it, the only undeniable is its nutritional value and its particular taste.

It will be good when it is used in hot beverages to wait for their temperature to fall a little so that honey does not lose any of its nutritional qualities.

Finally, we will propose that you try to replace sugar, which you probably use in coffee or any other drink, or even your sweet, honey. It’s much more delicious and certainly much more beneficial. Besides, we do not forget that sugar is the “food” of cancerous cells.

Does Greek honey make a difference with the famous Manuka?

Manuka honey is a honey collected in New Zealand from the flowers of a kind of tea called Manuka. Manuka is known worldwide for antibacterial and antioxidant activity. Investments made for research and good marketing have helped Manuka to be described as world-wide as the most antioxidant honey.

Mrs Chrysoula Tananaki, an honorary teacher and head of the apiculture and pediatricultural lab in the ESU Department of Geapiculture, reported that 48 honeys, including Manuka and as the strongest antioxidant honey, have been named the honey of oak and follow the fir tree, the erica, the chestnut and pine tree.

What does it mean when we say honey has antioxidant action?

Honey, as a strong food antioxidant, acts against free radicals, which may cause cells to materialize and create cancerous tumors. Honey can catch disease. Its antibacterial action is due to the hydrogen peroxide generated by the glucose decomposition it contains.

Artis 8, 190 16
Artemida, Attica, Greece
+30 210 000 0000
+30 697 463 0270

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Photography by Spyros Perakis

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