Passion for
pure honey

Artemis Honey

Produce, in a manner of speaking, means create. This creation brought us about the love we have for the sweetest nature’s spawn, the honey.

Our aspiration isn’t the amount but the high quality of the honey we produce. Nature according to climatological and environmental circumstances is the one that shows us the road.

Greek Honey

Unique in the entire world!

Standing out for its taste, for its naturalness, for its colour and its organoleptic characteristics.

It is composed mainly of carbohydrates and over 200 more ingredients such us vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

It has antioxidant, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, healing, inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

All the types of honeys are analyzed by the Department of Chemistry at the National University of Athens


  • Pine’s Honey
  • Flower’s Honey
  • Arbutus’s Honey
  • Oak’s Honey
  • Chestnut’s Honey
  • Orange tree’s Honey
  • Thyme’s Honey
  • Erica’s Honey

    Phone orders:

    +30 229 408 9700

    +30 697 463 0270

    10:00 am – 8:00 pm

    Free shipping with purchases above 45€

    Royal jelly

    Queen’s food

    The food that makes the queen 45% bigger and gives her at approximately 50 times more life from them, even though they born from the same egg that bees are born.

    Bees consume honey and pollen and with the processing they make with their glands, they form the royal jelly.

    The main ingredients are 67% moisture, 15,5% proteins, 12,5% sugar, 4% fatty substances and 1% remains.


    Bees’s protein

    Pollen is collected in our country , with the huge biodiversity from more than 7500 kinds of flowers, herbs and trees.

    Due to the variety of nutritional ingredients that contains, her use is widespread in human as food supplement with many and important benefits for his health.

    Her main components are 35% proteins,40% carbohydrates, 5% lipids, 5—10% water and 5-10% other colorants/substances.


    Known as “the bees’s glue”

    Bees use her to cover surfaces, holes and gaps at their cells, providing them with this way a sterilized environment that protect them from gems, moulds and viruses.

    Propolis, after several studies, has been observed in as active substance for humans against the bacteria, viruses and germs. It also has been observed in for anti-cancer activity.

    Superfoods with honey

    Combinations of health

    The combination of honey with other nutritious foods such us walnuts , honeycomb, pollen, royal jelly and Ceylon cinnamon offers numerous benefits to the human body.

    Artis 8, 190 16
    Artemida, Attica, Greece
    +30 210 000 0000
    +30 697 463 0270

    Created by Advalue

    Photography by Spyros Perakis

    © Artemis Honey
    All rights reserved
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